NOW: is the time for a better pension

NOW: Pensions has a wealth of experience behind it. In collaboration with ATP of Denmark – one of the largest pensions funds in Europe and our Board of Trustee Directors, NOW: Pensions has set out to bring cost-efficiency, performance and simplicity to the UK pensions industry.

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About NOW: Pensions?

•    NOW: Pensions is an independent, multi-employer trust serving thousands of employers and hundreds of thousands of employees from a wide range of sectors. A subsidiary of one of Europe’s largest pension funds, Danish pension scheme ATP, NOW: Pensions offers a simple and cost effective workplace pension solution direct to employers and via advisers and the payroll sector.

•    Employers are looking to their advisers for their specialist pensions insight and as staging dates pass the appetite for advice will only intensify. Whilst this presents a promising commercial opportunity for advisers, it also carries the risk of adviser resources being absorbed into basic administrative tasks rather than fee earning advice. Our flexible solution and comprehensive support ensures that your focus remains on advising your clients, from initial engagement right through to launch and implementation.

•    It’s our vision to build the leading pensions business in the UK. Based on a modern approach to pensions provision, where transparency and low costs are cornerstones in building a successful business. We are ambitious and we’ll keep a strong focus on innovation by challenging others, and ourselves, to achieve the best outcomes for our members and customers. We want to give UK savers a better retirement.

Our broker recommended NOW: Pensions, as they believed it would be our best option. We have not been disappointed, the NOW: Pensions customer support teams are great and always available. — Bromborough Paint & Building Supplies Ltd
NOW: Pensions was attractive to us because the staff were very helpful and they sent over all the information required. This made the decision easy. — Metro Surveillance Group Ltd
NOW: Pensions has a good technical infrastructure combined with a pension product suitable for our team. We couldn’t be happier with NOW: Pensions. — Martin Woods,
I am backing NOW: Pensions, the ATP project, because I believe it will encourage transparency, low costs and decent returns for millions of British employees. — Nigel Waterson, former Shadow Pensions Minister
There is a need for a member-centric solution designed for ease of use with low costs and cutting edge investment strategy, which delivers long term stable returns. ATP’s in-house investment capabilities, combined with our novel and innovative approach, allow us… — Lars Rohde, Governor of the National Bank of Denmark and Former CEO of ATP Group